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Looking for help in translating this death record

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Moderator: tim52mer

Inlägg: 582
Släktträd: Icke-grafisk
Sökning: Grafik
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Hopefully, English language is appropriate.

Heute, den 3ten Juni 1855 wurde Peter Ofter II, protestant. Confession,
Ehemann von der zu Obernheim lebenden Ehefrau Barbara Urschel, protest. Conf.,
in Folge einer Milzkrankheit gestorben den 1ten Juni 1855, des Abends 6 Uhr,
in einem Alter von 44 Jahren in der Begräbnißstätte zu Kuchenarnbach beerdigt.
Das Ableben ist laut des dem unterzeichneten Pfarrer eingehändigten Zeugnisses des Civilstands-
Beamten vom 2 Juni 1855 in die Sterb-Register der Gemeinde Obernheim eingetragen worden.
Unterschrift des Pfarrers

Today, on the 3rd June 1855 Peter Ofter II, protestant confession,
husband of Barbara Urschel, protest. conf., living at Obernheim,
deceased because of a splenic disease on 1st June 1855, at 6 p.m.,
at the age of 44, has been buried at the burial place of Kuchenarnbach.
The passing has been, according to the certificate presented to the undersigned priest, registered by the civil
registrar on 2 June 1855, into the death register of the community of Obernheim.
Signature of the priest
Inlägg: 13
Thank you Franz! Very much appreciated.

Inlägg: 13
After reviewing more, I have a question. You indicate the name is Peter Ofter II. My Great-Grandfather's name was Adam Oster. Is it possible, this death record for Peter is Peter Oster, non Ofter?
Inlägg: 582
Släktträd: Icke-grafisk
Sökning: Grafik
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it is one of the peculiarities with the "Kurrent" handwriting that, depending on the writer, letters "f", "s", and "h" are often different to distinguish. In this case here, after comparing the name with other words in the text, it should really read "Oster" rather than "Ofter". The "f" looks different.
Inlägg: 13
You are wonderful! Thank you so much.

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